“Maybe it’s even more true for me than it is for my mother that horseback riding is something I learned at my mother’s knee”, says Leida Naber with a smile.
“It really comes from all sides, from both parents and grandparents. And I grew up at the races. I don’t think I’ve missed an edition of Boekelo since I was born… I can’t imagine my life without riding and the eventing sport.”
So despite her youth, Leida has seen an incredible number of eventing shows. “Now that I’m in the eventing sport myself, I’m not easily impressed by the course or fences. I have seen them much more difficult in my mothers practice”, says Leida soberly.
The fun of the eventing sport is that you’re working on disciplines. Leida: “There is a lot of variation, so a horse doesn’t get bored easily. There is always something else to do.”
For herself, she sees a lot to learn and improve in all disciplines. “Dressage, jumping, crosscountry, plenty of learning moments! And you have to make miles. You learn more from every mistake in the crosscountry than from a faultless race,” says Leida.
Leida likes crosscountry the most: “Of course, that’s why I do it all. But apart from crosscountry, I like everything: training, riding outside, dressage, taking care of the horse, having fun at our riding club the Flevoruiters, having fun with my horseriding friends, I know all of them since the pony club, that’s what I like as well”.